Thursday, 6 August 2015


Our first trip this season sees an early start to Poole in Dorset. Whilst Ringwoods and Hall Woodhouse pubs are likely to dominate the choice, PRATS tip to find a real decent pub is to go to the local CAMRA branch website and download their magazine, for Poole it’s:

 Ed’s Pint is their mag, have a look at the pub adverts for a clue where to go. It’s not always failsafe but if CAMRA let them have an advert it must surely follow that they’ll have decent beer. I guess it depends how desperate the local branch are for a few shillings. 

We are going to try these pubs and will report back on our return.   
Where will we stop on the way home is always a big question? It will of course depend on traffic and how far we get before our throats resemble a Turkish wrestlers jockstrap. Another factor will definitely be that one of the PRATS has a frequent anal emission problem; his problem often becomes ours as we gasp for air. If you see a car load of blokes with their purple heads sticking out of the windows you’ll know a venting has  occurred.  
Have a good footy day out in Poole.  
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